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The limitations may be adjusted as we gain further experience in managing a DayZ server.


**Subject to change at any time.**


-Solo Players base size BBP 12 cubes (1 x 1 x 1) total


-With a garage of 4 cubes total (1 x 1 x 1).


-Prefab Rags cabin 1 cabin with BBP garage 4 cubes total. (1 x 1 x 1).


-Prefab Rags cabin for clan garage size 6 cubes total. (1 x 1 x 1).


-Clan BBP base size 18 cubes total (1 x 1 x 1).


-Clan garage size 6 cubes total. (1 x 1 x 1).


- One base per group, including a flagpole.


- One greenhouse for solo players any size.


- Two greenhouses for a clan any size.


- Maximum storage for a clan is 2500 slots per person in the clan.


- Maximum storage for solo players is 2500 slots total.


- Storage containers must not be nested.


- Stacking storage containers within each other is prohibited. However, they may be stacked on top of each other.


- When using prebuilt map structures, you cannot exceed more than 2 stories on top.


- Connecting two building structures together or using sky bridges is not allowed.


- Bases must have a ground raidable entrance and cannot be overly fortified.


- No building within 1000m of any safe zones.


- No building within 1000m of the Black Market.


- No building within 200m of cement mixers.


- No building within 500 meters of military zones.


- No building in police stations.


- No door stacking; there must be enough space for two players to stand shoulder to shoulder from door to door.


- There must be a raidable entrance and you cannot seal off any rooms.


- A 20-door limit with a 40 code lock limit. A 2 Paragon door limit is not part of the 20-door limit.


- You cannot build anything in your base that forces players to crawl or animate in a way that they can't shoot.


- No toe or knee peeks.


- Blocking roadways is not allowed.


- No trap bases or anything that can be mistaken as a trap base.


- **No building during a raid.**


**If your base is in violation of these rules, my admin team will rectify it by any means they deem reasonable. Use common sense when building; if it doesn't feel right, don't do it, or submit a ticket to ensure it's not violating any rules.**











Following the events on 6/18/2024 on our DayZ server, we've updated our Admin policy. Now, a server backup is required before any modifications or additions are made. The server glitch on that date led to considerable upset and harsh words, which is unacceptable. We, the admins of the -RATRACE- DayZ server, apologize for the data loss incurred and have resolved the issue with GTX. Remember, this is DayZ, and unexpected issues can arise. We are committed to minimizing server problems. Should you encounter any server issues, please submit a ticket in our ticket channel.








© 2023 Dayz RatRace. All rights reserved.

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